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Art Exhibitions


Cindy Tonkin April 29, 2024
Biennale UNSW/COFA 2024

Biennale UNSW/COFA 2024

Finally found something biennale 2024 that pleased me greatly. Parts of the exhibition were...

Cindy Tonkin April 19, 2024
Sydney Biennale 2024

Sydney Biennale 2024

Cathie and Anna and I have seen 2 x biennale sites so far. The...

Cindy Tonkin March 1, 2024


The Banksy exhibition was, like Louise Bourgeois a few weeks ago, an emotional one...

Cindy Tonkin February 6, 2024


I went to the Art Gallery of NSW to see a film (Pink Flamingos....

Cindy Tonkin February 3, 2024
Jonathan Jones

Jonathan Jones

Jonathan Jones' exhibition at the Art Space in Woolloomoloo. Lovely ideas. Felt a little...

Cindy Tonkin January 31, 2024
NGV Jan 24

NGV Jan 24

Visited the National Gallery of Victoria. As it turned out (because I came down...

Cindy Tonkin January 31, 2024
State Library Victoria Jan 2024

State Library Victoria Jan 2024

Always love a quick excursion into the State Library of Victoria, so see and...

Cindy Tonkin January 29, 2024
Potter Jan 2024

Potter Jan 2024

Every trip to Melbourne must include a quick duck in to see something at...

Cindy Tonkin January 27, 2024
Louise Bourgeois

Louise Bourgeois

AGNSW has Louise Bourgeois - her entire life was spent making (except for 11...

Cindy Tonkin December 6, 2023
Libraries of the World

Libraries of the World

Putting this here so I know it's around: Top 10 Libraries in Europe. I'm...

Cindy Tonkin September 9, 2023
Sydney Contemporary 2023

Sydney Contemporary 2023

Avril gave me a freeby to Sydney Contemporary this week, which was a fabulous...

Cindy Tonkin August 5, 2023
365 jours

365 jours

On our trip to France in 2006 I bought this book. It was heavy....

Cindy Tonkin July 19, 2023


So Richard and Louise have many of my paintings and collages from the early...

Cindy Tonkin February 28, 2023
Potter Feb 2023

Potter Feb 2023

I visited the Ian Potter Gallery in Melbourne. Here are the pix I took.

Cindy Tonkin January 4, 2023
Montien Boonma Tower

Montien Boonma Tower

yesterday I was at the national gallery in canberra. I was attracted to this...

Cindy Tonkin January 4, 2023
Rauschenberg Johns 2023

Rauschenberg Johns 2023

Here are some images from the Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns exhibition i saw...

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