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Make graceful and lasting change

My Life as a Hotel

Cindy Tonkin - August 13, 2008

Here is the entrance to my hotel. I love it. Breakfast bagels were a little stale, tomorrow I’ll try the croissants.

Warm up games:

Do you like your neighbour:

– person in centre of circle points to someone and asks Do you like your neighbours?

– if they say no the 2 people on either side have to swap places and the person in the centre tries to get their place

– if they say “yes” they need to qualify “but I don’t like people who…” And whoever fits that category has to change places

– person left without a place goes to the centre

– Jason’s rule is that the “but I don’t like” is a “secret demographic finder” – ie you need to choose things we can’t see (preferences, experiences)


– pass “vroom” with gesture around the circle

– cross arms and do brake sounds – reverse the vroom

– oil slick + gesture, skips one person

– bridge – sing a tune and throw the zoom across the circle

– fire drill – everyone has to change places and the fire drill caller begins the zoom again

Jason’s gems today:

– initiating a scene is like a spark plug – you know it will start, but not what happens after

– mirroring the other person works sometimes, a strong emotional reaction works every time

– say what you feel about them

– make it a longer term relationship

– you can’t debate someone’s emotions, just have an emotional response

– third beat – whatever happened in second beat must meet 1st beat

– second beat should be perfectly good scenes without having seen the first one

– if characters are interesting, I want to see them again

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