Dakini 2 was the leftover envelopes from Dakini. I basically made it as long as a particular style of envelope, but ran out of quote to put in!
So I used the same quote (I had already written it in longhand back and front and decorated with the gold bits, so it made sense.
What i did differently was use darker colours – the “pages” or inserts are made from darker coloured masterpieces from What Makes a Masterpiece – leftovers from the altered book series that was Relation or Brunei. I then lined the envelopes with more leftovers or in the end some plain dark green paper. I really quite like the option.
I made 2 videos on this, because I did the whole thing, assuming like the other pieces of its kind i had left the back of the pages white, but it turns out they use tiny prints I made on the tiny press a while ago (the words say “at least make it beautiful”, from this poem. Although now I notice her poem just says “Make it Beautiful