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Collages and Gocco

Cindy Tonkin - April 26, 2018

I’ve been working on and playing with collages for a while now.  See here and here.

Yesterday I pulled out a Print Gocco (obsolete since 2008, but Nicola gave me her old one).

When i read the instructions and watched the youtube videos I felt all precious about the materials. Since it takes 2 light bulbs to create each template, and there are only 10 in the box and buying new ones seems to be nigh on impossible I thought I’d experiment first with the template screens which Nicola had already done.

So I played with inks and Nicola’s beautifully calligraphed Christmas card print screen on my already put together collages.

Some of them worked out. More to come.

Do have to say that the inks smell dreadful, but some of the effects are lovely.

With the uneven nature of the collaged card and paper it means that the ink doesn’t lay down smoothly, which is exactly the serendipity filled experience I was looking for! I wanted something to approximate the less than predictable results we got while monoprinting.

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